<![CDATA[Amy Lacombe/WhimsiClay Whimsical Ceramics since 1986 323-299-9702 land 310-874-0552 cell amylacombe@rocketmail.com 3662 Fairway Bl. L.A. CA 90043 - Blog/Testimonials]]>Sat, 02 Nov 2024 04:04:56 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[2016-it's going to be sweet]]>Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:08:54 GMThttp://amylacombewhimsiclay.com/blogtestimonials/2016-its-going-to-be-sweetThis is the year I am really going to dive in with all four paws and really be in the blogging game. Promises, promises… But that is my intention.  I have also been creating new designs as always and posting them on eBay
in addition to my Amazon site www.amazon.com/shops/iheartcatsndogs ]]>
<![CDATA[Latest Testimonial:Dear Amy,I admire your creativity and your whimsiclay cats have been making me smile for over 12 years.  My collection started with "Paisley".  Over a decade later, the collection has grown to ~200 cats.  "AHA! Made You Smile" is th]]>Wed, 15 Apr 2015 03:44:12 GMThttp://amylacombewhimsiclay.com/blogtestimonials/latest-testimonialAmy –

Just wanted to say thank you for the last piece you made for us.  It was perfect as usual.  Have  good rest of the day.
Thank you,
Kevin Lewis 
Claims Supervisor - Team 630/South Florida GL

It was my pleasure, Kevin,
Glad the latest addition went over as well as the previous ones!
Hope to do another one soon

<![CDATA[Back to the drawing board..]]>Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:23:31 GMThttp://amylacombewhimsiclay.com/blogtestimonials/back-to-the-drawing-boardWell, I have suspended the subscription box idea for the time being :-(.  Now just does not seem to be the time.  Hopefully I can revisit it in the future-I do think it is a great idea.  I'd welcome input.

In the meantime, I have been doing quite a bit of work on urns of late..MOST notably one for my own dear Mom who passed away peacefully July 20 this year, at age 95.  I created a new style, will post photos soon

<![CDATA[The start of something big?]]>Tue, 20 May 2014 23:44:05 GMThttp://amylacombewhimsiclay.com/blogtestimonials/the-start-of-something-bigHi there, friends and possible fans of WhimsiClay… And welcome to my first ever blog post. If you know my ceramic line at all or have just chanced upon it for the first time, I hope it may be pretty clear that I do things with my hands and not necessarily through technology. But I'm hoping to demonstrate that even an old dog, close to 60 can learn new tricks and join the 21st century. Maybe one of these days I'll even get around to getting an iPhone, LOL?  
This is also my first attempt at putting together a website, so far so good.  I'm squeezing it in between all my other various and sundry obligations, creating artwork, raising a teenager, caring for an ailing parent (can anybody say, "Sandwich" ?), & of course, making time to play with the dogs and cats!
So I hope you'll follow along with this journey of mine, it will be an adventure]]>